Established Pursuant to the Resolution of the
6th Arab Summit Conference held
in Algiers on 28 November 1973

Agricultural value chain development for empowerment and food security​

Agricultural Value Chain Development

Agriculture is a major source of income in Africa, but untapped agricultural potential has contributed to persistent insecurity and deterioration in food security.

Africa’s agribusiness industry can take advantage of the 4IR to accelerate its transformation into an innovative and sustainable force to feed the world.

Sub-Sectors to Target:​
land use planning; irrigation and water management; agricultural inputs; livestock and fisheries; agro-industrial value chain development (products and markets).
Sub-Sectors to Target 2:
land use planning; irrigation and water management; agricultural inputs; livestock and fisheries; agro-industrial value chain development (products and markets).
Sub-Sectors to Target 3:
land use planning; irrigation and water management; agricultural inputs; livestock and fisheries; agro-industrial value chain development (products and markets).
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Strategic Initiative 
Arab-African Agro-Industrial 
Value Chain Programme

Africa's agricultural value chain development strategy needs to be approached from the market end, back to production. This is the opposite of the de facto production-oriented method currently followed across the Continent.

This holistic approach must be systematically carried out to enable Africa to make the most of its production capacities in order to better face the challenges inherent in global markets.

Reinventing Agriculture

The transition requires general skills, with the technological revolution also playing a significant role. In this regard, the African agricultural sector should adopt new technology-based solutions in agriculture and farm management, which will result in increased productivity and other advances.

Participation in the agricultural value chain requires a comprehensive understanding of the industry's development trends and governance structure as well as innovative financing.

Develop Strategic Partnerships

Given this complexity and the need for practical experience, BADEA proposes to pilot the implementation of this strategic initiative with a development partner that has already embarked on the agro-industrial value chain.

Over time, BADEA will be able to develop products and networks needed to facilitate agro-industrial value chains in selective sub-sectors or markets