Established Pursuant to the Resolution of the
6th Arab Summit Conference held
in Algiers on 28 November 1973

Stimulate Trade and Private Sector Development for Growth and Job Creation

The private sector is essential to development, acting as a powerful engine of economic growth, particularly in developing countries. It lays the foundation for sustainable job creation and serves as a lever to reduce income inequality.

54 African countries signed a pact establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), one of the important milestones of the African Union’s Africa 2063 agenda.

The potential for increasing Arab-African trade is immense. Both regions have sufficient financial and human resources to create shared prosperity. It is also an excellent tool for strengthening Arab-African cooperation on other fronts.
Specific areas on which BADEA will focus for trade and private sector development include: raw materials, mines and minerals; industrial equipment and products; construction materials and supplies; tourism; knowledge services and financial services.
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BADEA’s operations will continue to be market-oriented in the private sector and trade. However, the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) approach offers the potential to facilitate Arab-African cooperation, maximize synergistic opportunities for location and industry preferences. Given the complexity of establishing SEZs, BADEA will initially partner with other development agencies that have existing programs in such zones. It could then focus on specific areas, such as the Halal economy, within the SEZ.

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